Carol Meade

Massage Therapist | Feldenkrais Teacher

Celebrating 30 Years in Business!

As a massage therapist who also practices Feldenkrais, I bring a unique approach to my sessions. Drawing from my background in Feldenkrais, my massages are centered on facilitating the body's restoration process. I firmly believe in harnessing the innate healing capacity of the body. Through a combination of hands-on techniques and movement education, I support individuals in their journey from discomfort to a sense of freedom and empowerment within their bodies.

I have 30 years of experience in massage therapy and have studied many different techniques through ongoing training. I completed a four-year Feldenkrais training in 2001. I teach group classes and workshops in the Feldenkrais Method, as well as provide personalized private sessions.

"Feldenkrais is a gentle way to help you get back into your body and to be present...Carol is very kind, compassionate, and gentle... My posture has definitely improved and my overall outlook on life has improved thanks to Carol” S.P. New Haven, CT